On February 26, 2022, Nikkei and others from around the world gathered virtually to explore what is “Nikkei food” and the role that it plays in Nikkei families and communities internationally. Japanese American writer, Gil Asakawa, emceed and moderated the program that included a presentation by Shigeru Kojima (researcher at the Japanese Overseas Migration Museum, Yokohama, Japan), facilitated small group discussions, and optional post-event discussions via Zoom. This recording includes the presentation and Q&A with Kojima and some break-out session reports.
The program was presented in English with Spanish and Portuguese simultaneous translations to facilitate international participation, with over 180 participants from at least 13 countries. We will be adding subtitles in Spanish and Portuguese. Check back for an article sharing more from the facilitators’ reports. Sign up for Discover Nikkei’s email list or follow us on Facebook or Twitter to find out when those have been added (https://discovernikkei.org/about/cont....
Thanks to Shigeru Kojima, Gil Asakawa, community partners—JCI Brasil, Nikkei Australia, and Asociación Peruano Japonesa, facilitators, interpreters, and technical assistants who helped make this event possible!
Find out about upcoming Discover Nikkei programs and watch videos from past events: http://5dn.org/dn-programs
Beyond just a website, Discover Nikkei (https://DiscoverNikkei.org) is an international network that celebrates cultural diversity and explores both global and local identities. The project connects generations and communities by sharing stories and perspectives of the Nikkei, people of Japanese descent who have migrated and settled throughout the world.
The site is available in 4 languages—English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese. New stories are published daily in the site's Journal section. You can also watch clips from life history videos, find out about and share your own Nikkei events around the world, and more.
Discover Nikkei is a project of the Japanese American National Museum, with major funding by The Nippon Foundation, as well as the support of JANM's members and donors. Become a member (https://janm.org/membership) or consider making a tax-deductible gift so that we can continue to present more programs like these: https://janm.org/donatenow. Your support makes a difference. Thank you!
Japanese American National Museum
100 N. Central Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90012