Recently we made a full version of the video about saving a newborn kitten. And now, finally, part 2 is ready with the continuation of this story. Enjoy watching!
Part 1: • Спасение новорожденного котенка. Полн...
A little higher - a link to the first part, in which we told how we found a newborn blind kitten at night under a balcony, brought it home and tried to raise it ourselves. It turned out that this kitty. We called her Sonya. Since then, she stayed with us.
And in this video we will already show and tell the life of a rescued kitten. Its development and change from a small age to today. And also show some of her unusual actions and habits. Let us tell you what she likes to eat, what strange postures she sleeps, what toys she likes to play with and how she behaves with our other animals: with the cat Dunya and with the dog named Boss. And tell you what happened to Sonya once in childhood ...
Sonya loves to bring us a toy (mostly a piece of paper). We throw a piece of paper somewhere far away, Sonya runs after her, grabs her teeth and carries her back to us. This is repeated again and again, after which she does something very, very strange ... Details in the video :)
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