Video Copilot
Contents of Video
1:22 Introduction to Interface
2:35 Importing videos
4:15 Video Properties and Audio Settings
4:53 Anchor points and Animation
5:15 Keyframes and time indicator
6:11 Controls on the bottom of your video view
8:57 Adding text to your video
10:15 Trimming your Footage
11:05 Masking footage using Pen tool
12:34 Animating our Masked layer
13:32 Text Toolbar Explanation
15:00 Precomposing Layers
16:39 Effects and Presets
18:50 Color Key
19:51 Saving Projects
20:10 Rendering your Final Project
22:23 Conclusion
You can watch this tutorial in sections or as a whole. Click on the time codes in the description so it will take you to a certain topic you want to look up.
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