What is that creature that long ago merged with Ymir Fritz and created the Original Founding Titan?
She also appeared 2000 years later a few other times, the first time when she reconnected Eren's body to his head after he was decapitated by an anti-titan rifle and the second and last time when Eren's Founding Titan was beheaded by some explosives. .
The strange organism was based on Hallucigenia, an already extinct animal that existed during the Cambrian Period, about 510 million years ago in the real world. To give you an idea, this is almost 300 million years before the existence of the first dinosaurs.
In the anime, this mysterious creature is called the "Source of All Living Matter", and while it is unknown if this anomaly is in fact the origin of all life on Earth, it is evident that it is capable of drastically affecting organic life at any given time. your return.