If you are someone who is going to appear for CAT, then this video will help you decide the right strategy for attempting the paper. Here I detail out my complete strategy for CAT paper that I developed during my CAT preparation. An important part of this was appearing for CAT Mocks to experiment with these strategies.
You can explore and buy studybuzz mocks from this link: https://studybuzz.co.in/
My recommendation for you would be to appear for different mocks and finalize your strategy as quick as possible to ensure you can give more mocks like you are attempting the CAT Paper.
Wish you the best for upcoming CAT Examination. Hope to see you get into IIM Ahmedabad next year!
0:00 Introduction
1:22 Experiment with Mocks
3:15 Verbal Attempt Strategy
6:45 LRDI Attempt Strategy
9:37 Quant Attempt Strategy