Two years ago, James Charles was one of the most popular names when discussing the YouTube mainstream. He was playing Minecraft with PewDiePie, hosting his own reality TV Show called "Instant Influencer", all while his personal YouTube channel was clearing well over 100 million views per month. However, over the last year, for James Charles, things have changed… significantly. He’s lost over 1.5 million subscribers equivalent to losing more than 100,000 subs per month, his average viewership per video has declined from well over 10 million to a little over 1 million, all while his twitter hasn’t seen any positive follower growth during the same time period. You might say that James Charles has become the poster child victim of internet cancellations. However, we should use the term “victim” lightly, as the death of his career has certainly been self-inflicted, and could have easily been avoided. Numerous controversies led YouTubers such as H3H3 and Keemstar to call James Charles out for his actions and his multiple "fake" apology videos.
This is, James Charles Career Is Basically Dead. Why?
Thank you guys for watching, like and sub if you enjoyed, SunnyV2 XO ❤
This video was inspired by Internet Ajay's video on the same topic titled "The Exact Moment James Charles Failed To Stop His Downfall: 3/31/21 12:54 AM" - You can watch his version here - • The Exact Moment James Charles Failed...