Having trouble remembering what coding terms mean? If you’re a beginner at coding, programming terms can be difficult to remember at first -- it’s common for newbies to feel this way!
When John Trocchi was new to Launch Academy, our learn-to-code academy, he ran into the same problem. His solution was to use the new coding skills he had learned at our coding bootcamp to develop a flashcard tool. By building his own tool, he not only found a way to study programming terms, but also got hands-on coding experience. In this video, John demos how he built his flashcard program. When it comes to programming, the simplest solution is often the most elegant.
Want to learn how to code? Ready to build an app? Interested in a software developer career?
Check us out at https://launchacademy.com/ to learn more.
Get John's code @ https://github.com/jctbog9/flashcards