I breakdown how I got started out in Tech as a developer/programmer and how others without any formal degree but with decent knowledge of Mathematics and English can start out in the tech industry.
There are many fields to choose from and my recommendations as a web developer (Frontend) will be inclined in that direction but feel free to explore all these resources down below.
Free Code Camp
/ freecodecamp
Developer Roadmap
Learn Anything
Recommended Programming Tutors on Youtube
/ programmingwithmosh
/ benawad97
/ engineeringwithutsav
/ webdevsimplified
/ fireship
/ funfunfunction
/ traversymedia
Only Paid Bootcamp/Learning Resource That I use online and recommend:
#1 Frontend Masters
They have 6 months free for students with a valid student email address. You can apply for it via GitHub education offer.
#StartingOut in #Tech as a #Developer