This video is a continuation of a series of videos about marble and granite works of St. Petersburg. I don’t want to repeat much here, so if you have questions while watching this video, I recommend watching the previous videos. In this video, I will try to answer questions that arose in previous ones.
The famous atlants of St. Petersburg, which support the portico of the new Hermitage. Official science has left such a history of these sculptures.
The architect of the New Hermitage building project, architect L. Klenze, in 1843 submitted to the Commission for the Restoration of the Winter Palace two drawings of a portico - with caryatids and atlantes. For reasons of decency, we decided to choose the Atlanteans.
The prototype was the figures of the ancient Greek temple of Olympian Zeus in Akragant (Fr. Sicily; c. 480 BC). In accordance with the plan of Klenze, the sculptor I. Galbig made a reduced model in the form of a male figure of Atlant; a model from Munich was sent to St. Petersburg. In 1846, Terebenev produced a life-size Atlant model, which was eventually adopted. Member of the Commission architect V.P. Stasov insisted that the surface of the sculpture be glossy.
The manufacture of all the figures was carried out under the leadership of Terebenev for two years. He was assisted by about 150 stonecutters, each of whom was engaged in his part - arms, legs, torso ...; Terbenev ended his face with his own hand. The figures were installed by September 1, 1848. Klenze in his 1850 publication by the end of the construction of the New Hermitage wrote:
“The beauty and noble style of these sculptures, the cleanliness and subtlety of the work and the polish shine leave nothing to be desired and allow us to say that if the Egyptian pharaohs performed their monolithic colosses, then these telamons for the Far North are no worse than them.” The end of the quote.
In addition to this official version, there are alternative versions of the construction of these sculptures. The most popular of these is divine origin. The gods flew in, printed these sculptures on a huge 3D printer and flew away, and left nothing behind these sculptures. The only argument of this version is the sighs that such sculptures simply could not be made, and the amazing similarity of these works, as if made with a carbon copy. And here this version has problems. The fact is that people measured the foot circumference of different sculptures, compared small elements and found out that the sculptures are similar, but there are differences in the size and details of the execution, and this fact, which everyone can check, completely spreads the version of the 3D printer.
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#Sergey Ignatenko # Atlanta Hermitage # Impossible Statues # Alternative History
Alternative History Channel by Sergey Ignatenko
See also:
Great Tartaria: • Сергей Игнатенко. Исследование Велико...
Alternative view of the 1812 war: • Сергей Игнатенко. Исследования войны ...
The forbidden history of Siberia: • Сергей Игнатенко. Цикл фильмов о запр...
Mandela Effect: • Сергей Игнатенко. Эффект Манделы - ло...
Destruction of the myths of an alternative story:
• Разрушение мифов