Hey guys, In this video, We're going to solve an important problem called the Nearest smaller element on the left & right sides of an Array. We'll also solve the Nearest greater element on the left & right sides.
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#anujbhaiya #dsaone
Ignore these tags:
next greater element using stack
next smaller element
anuj bhaiya
next greater element
next smaller element using stack
nearest smaller element
previous smaller element
count smaller elements on right side
smaller on left gfg
smaller on left
anuj bhaiya dsa
next greater element i
count of smaller numbers after self
count smaller elements
stack in java
anuj bhaiya java
dsa anuj bhaiya
element with left side smaller and right side greater
min stack
nearest greater element
next greater element ii
replace every element with the least greater element on its right
stack dsa
stack java
bit manipulation
dsa in java
dsa one
kth smallest element in an array
largest rectangle in histogram
max rectangle
merge sort
move all the negative elements to one side of the array
stack c++
the celebrity problem
count elements with strictly smaller and greater elements
farthest number gfg
find the farthest smaller number in the right side
java stacks
love babbar
monotonic stack
next element with greater frequency
reverse a stack
smallest greater elements in whole array
stack and queue in data structure
stack in dsa
stack in python
stack using array