Story songs and sing alongs for you and your child to enjoy together. Debbie and Friends is known for kids' music that's all grown up! Enjoy hours of sing-along, laugh-along, dance-along fun on the Debbie and Friends YouTube channel.
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Becca Plays the Bass - Debbie and Friends
When You Were One - Debbie and Friends
Santa and Baby (Santa's Little Helper Song) Debbie and Friends
Walk Away - Debbie and Friends
Wendell - Debbie and Friends
Home Run Ronnie - Debbie and Friends
Willy Won't Smile for the Camera - Debbie and Friends
Animal Friends (Learn Animal Group Names) - Debbie and Friends
Pinocchio - Debbie and Friends
So, So Happy (Pirate Adventure) - Debbie and Friends
I Think I Can (The Little Engine That Could song)