Andy Wilkinson, 60, is often mistaken for the boyfriend of one of his daughters. Looking at his athletic figure and smooth skin with a minimum of wrinkles, you would think that he is 40.
Andy Wilkinson Instagram: /
These life stories are good motivation on how to look younger than your age and maintain good health. All these stories are based on a healthy lifestyle, which includes: proper nutrition, facial skin care, and good physical activity.
If you are interested in health and longevity, we recommend watching other videos in the series on how to stay young. The knowledge you gain will help you change your life and look at least 10 years younger. Find more videos on the topic in the playlists.
LINK to this video: • Как выглядеть на 40 в 60 лет: секреты...
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Health Academy: Fitness. / @akademfitnes
Health Academy: Nutrition. / @akadempitanie