– SRT Aviation light sport flight training Mt. Vernon Illinois. In this issue we talk to CFI Rachel Heinrich of SRT Aviation about growing up in a aviation family and learning how to fly and then going on to becoming a flight instructor.
SRT Aviation provides flight training opportunities in its Piper Cherokee 140 Cruiser or Jabiru J230. Four Certified Flight Instructors are available to work with the student on the student’s schedule. At SRT Aviation’s, CFI’s make their living instructing (and the occasional corporate flying opportunity), which means the student does not have to worry about his/her CFI leaving for the airlines any time soon.
Although money saving up-front packages are available, SRT Aviation will work with each individual student to tailor a program that fits that student’s financial situation. Block time discounts on the aircraft are available. Worrying about whether you should “pay for it all now” or “pay as you go”, is not as important as just getting started! Take a discovery flight for only $49! Video and Audio content is Copyright © Sport Aviation Magazine. This video and audio material may not be reproduced in any form without written permission.
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SRT Aviation,SRT Flight School,SRT lightsport flying lessons,flying lessons, how to fly a plane, short field landing, Flight Training, flight training ground school, flight training school, flight training private pilot, learn to fly, flying training, How to Fly, Flight Lessons, Flight School - SRT Aviation light sport flight training Mt. Vernon Illinois.