Machine Learning Project | Flight Fare Prediction | EDA Python Project

Опубликовано: 14 Апрель 2022
на канале: Anybody Can Code

In this project we will discuss the following points
github notebook link

load the flight fare data,
check data shape size and columns,
check and handle missing values,
convert date of journey column to date time in flight fare data set,
extract date and month from date of journey column to create new columns,
create departure hour, departure min from departure time column,
drop departure time and date of journey col,
convert duration column into list,
create a separate list for duration hours and duration min,
unique records and their frequency in airline,
using arrival time create new col as arrival hour and min,
independent and dependent features

Dataset link:
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  / concepts-of-data-science-110676260627934  

Machine Learning | Salary Prediction | EDA Python Project Part-2
   • Machine Learning | Salary Prediction ...