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certainly! understanding exception handling in python is crucial for writing robust and error-resistant code. this tutorial will cover the basics of exception handling, including how to use `try`, `except`, `else`, and `finally` blocks, along with practical code examples.
what is exception handling?
in python, an exception is an error that occurs during the execution of a program. when an exception is raised, python stops executing the code and looks for a way to handle that exception. if it finds a suitable handler, it executes that block; otherwise, the program crashes.
why use exception handling?
- **graceful degradation**: you can handle errors gracefully instead of crashing the program.
- **debugging**: helps in identifying and debugging errors.
- **control flow**: allows you to control the flow of the program based on error conditions.
basic syntax of exception handling
the basic syntax involves using `try`, `except`, `else`, and `finally` blocks:
example code
let's create a simple example where we attempt to convert a user input to an integer. we'll handle the case where the input might not be a valid integer.
explanation of the code
1. **input loop**: the `while true` loop keeps asking the user for input until a valid integer is provided.
2. **try block**: we attempt to convert the user input into an integer using `int()`.
3. **except block**: if a `valueerror` occurs (e.g., the user inputs non-numeric characters), we catch that exception and inform the user.
4. **else block**: if no exception occurs, we print the valid integer and exit the loop.
5. **finally block**: this block executes after the try/except blocks, regardless of whether an exception occurred or not. it can be useful for cleanup actions, like closing files or releasing resources.
catching multiple exceptions
you can catch multiple exception types by specifying them as a tuple:
raising exceptions
you can also raise exceptions manually using the ...
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