Finally got Merch:
I'm normally super upbeat, but there's something about the Shadowlands Alpha that's been bothering me. Bigger than just the professions, but let's look at that as a case study.
Throughout WoW, we've had a motif that "Authoritarian is bad." Garrosh was stern but believed in honor. When he started caging warlocks against their will though, we had to fight back. Xera tried to cleanse Illidan against his will, so even though light is good, we had to fight back. Sylvanas was a banshee bae, but when she went all Teldrassil, we had to fight back.
In the Shadowlands alpha, the good guys of Bastion essentially cleanse people of their misdeeds by torturing them. Good in the long run but some don't want to do it. The leaders insist. This is something we've been trained to fight against, but instead, there's a quest where you literally beat the depressed and doubtful followers into submission. When they rebel against the authoritarian jerks, we side with the leaders and fight against the rebellion that we would be leading in any other expansion.
This isn't WoW, and is the quest that had me take a step back and take a more critical look at the systems of the new expansion. Shadowlands is still beautiful. The quests are great. The combat feels good. There are cool profession things coming even if nothing changes, but something has dramatically changed in the underlying values that the stories are telling and the methods they're using to tell them. This video looks at one example of that.
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