We continue Stephen Bauman’s Sketch Tour, this time focusing on figure drawing techniques, line quality, composition, observation, shading and style! How multiple artists can influence different aspects of your drawing style, and what an artist can learn from looking back at old sketches.
Get Stephen’s Demo: https://proko.com/bauman
His masterpiece demo is a full realistic portrait drawing mini-course from a live model. you’ll learn about blocking in the basic shapes, establishing the big impression of light and shadow, organizing halftones, developing the structure and planes of the head, and a bunch more. Stephen’s a really good teacher, you guys should check it out.
#sketchbooktour #figuredrawing #graphitepencil
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Latest Uploads: • Finger Drawing Mistakes You’re Making...
Figure Drawing: • How to Draw Gesture
Art of Caricature: • The Art of Caricature with Court Jones
Popular Videos: • How to Draw the Head from Any Angle
Instructional How to Draw videos for artists. My drawing lessons are approachable enough for beginners and detailed enough for advanced artists. My philosophy is to teach timeless concepts in an entertaining way. I believe that when you are having fun, you learn better. I take pride in producing high quality videos that you will enjoy watching and re-watching.
Artist - Stephen Bauman (https://stephenbaumanartwork.com/)
Producer - Stan Prokopenko (http://www.stanprokopenko.com)
Editing - Charlie Nicholson ( / shloogorgh , Sean Ramsey (http://www.peoplewhodrawstuff.com)
Music Used with Permission
Sound Effects - http://www.freesfx.co.uk
Music Used with Permission
Intro - The Freak Fandango Orchestra