Early Wipe Economy Guide - Escape From Tarkov - Profit Guide

Опубликовано: 28 Сентябрь 2024
на канале: Airwingmarine

I will help guide you to profits with these videos. Follow my advice and watch the free rubles roll in with no risk and huge rewards.

With the changes to the flea market and Found In Raid (FIR) status on items, it is more difficult than ever to make money in Escape from Tarkov. On top of that, the amount that traders buy items for has been decreased as well. Flea Market Flipping is gone, and you can't find clever trader barters to make money on the Flea Market anymore. All that is left is hideout crafting for passive income while you raid. Tarkov money is harder to come by than ever before. Making hideout money isn't all that difficult though, and I do the hardest part for you in this hideout money making guide.

I'll update these weekly or as I see major changes to the prices and anything is worth updating. I go through the Workbench, Lavatory, Nutrition Unit, Med Station, and Intel Center and explain what is currently the most profitable craft in each module as well as a few alternates for lower level players. My goals is to give you the ultimate passive income guide so that you can make as much Tarkov money as possible regardless of your level or how much you play the game.

Thanks to Tarkov Market - https://tarkov-market.com/ and the Tarkov Wiki -https://escapefromtarkov.gamepedia.co... for the resources they provide.

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