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📋Beamng Drive is a 2013 game that is filled with a huge amount of content, racing, destruction, realistic physics for drifting on the computer and of course a network mode, thanks to which you can play beam with friends and have fun! Teslik and I didn’t pass by and decided to try paired drifting in BeamNG Drive on the steering wheel, where on my side it’s a Thrustmaster T300, and on his side it’s a Logitech g27. Bimenji drive on the steering wheel and the first paired drift turned out well, despite how “good” I am at drifting in games, and it was the realistic physics of drifting on the steering wheel in BeamNG Drive along with realistic damage that interested me
📨 My Telegram: https://t.me/catwishstudio
📌TWITCH CHANNEL (I stream here): / catwishstd
💖Teslik’s channel: / @mrteslik
📃My VK group: https://vk.com/catwishpublic
📸My instagram: / catwishstudio
💽My Discord Server: / discord
🤳My Yappi: https://yappy.media/s/p_5R6TRAf1ugjjF...
📺My Twitch: / catwishstd
📨 My Telegram: https://t.me/catwishstudio
🎵My TikTok: / catwishstudio
📧My email: [email protected] (here for cooperation)
👨🎓My VK: https://vk.com/artyst58
💰Donat (support me) - https://www.donationalerts.com/r/catwish
📌Hello everyone, my nickname on YouTube Catwish Studio is abbreviated CatwishSTD and on my channel I post videos on completely different topics, as if they were games, guides and videos like how to make them. I'm an ordinary guy who lives in the province and just makes videos as a hobby, makes all sorts of montages for games and tries to help people. I am quite good at editing various kinds of videos, from movies to videos from real life. I will be glad to see you on the channel, subscribe to the channel.
🔔Subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/CatwishStud...
🎬Past videos on Carx Drift racing online:
📌Mossport Lan tournament for CarX Drift Racing Online - • МОССПОРТ ЛАН ТУРНИР ПО CARX DRIFT RAC...
📌Pair drift with Teslik in Carx drift racing online - • ПЕРВЫЙ ПАРНЫЙ ДРИФТ В CARX DRIFT RACI...
📌OverDrift Festival on the steering wheel pair drift with Teslik - • OVERDRIFT FESTIVAL! ПАРНЫЙ ДРИФТ НА Р...
📌How did I decide to play Carx Online? - • КАК Я РЕШИЛ ПОИГРАТЬ В CARX DRIFT RAC...
❓If you have any questions, write in the comments directly under the video, I will answer everyone and write everything down as it is. Also, if you have any suggestions, please write in the comments, hugs to everyone. You can also write me a message in donation.
⌨Tags: beamng, beamng drive, beamng drive crashes, beamng crashes, beam ng, beam ng drive, bimenji drive, bimanji drive, beam, drift, drift, catwish, catwish studio, ketwish, ketwish studio, drift in bimenji drive on the steering wheel ,drift in beamng,beamng drift,beamng drive drift,beamng drive drift,beamng drive paired drift on the steering wheel,beamng drive drift on the steering wheel,t300,thrustmaster t300,beamng drift,teslik,teslik,drift simulator,jdm,beamng on the steering wheel, beamng over the network, beamng drive on the steering wheel, t300
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