Opening to Spiderman (1967): J. Jonah Jameson Saves The Day 2006 DVD (what if?!)

Опубликовано: 28 Февраль 2025
на канале: SpongeBobFan2K9

DVD Release Date (if it had happened): November 28, 2006

Here's what the opening to the Spiderman (1967 TV Show) DVD release, J. Jonah Jameson Saves The Day would look like if it was real in real life

Here's the order:
1. Buena Vista Home Entertainment Logo (2002-2010)
2. Coming Soon To Theaters Logo (1999-2006)
3. Underdog Trailer
4. Coming Soon To Own on DVD Logo (2004-2006)
5. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men's Chest Trailer
6. Cinderella III: A Twist in Time Trailer
7. The Heart of the Game Trailer
8. [scrubs]: The Complete 5th Season Trailer
9. Now Available To Own on DVD Logo (2004-2006)
10. Alias: The Complete 5th and Final Season Trailer
11. Blue Warning Screen (2003-present)
12. FBI Anti-Piracy Warning Screen (2005-2013)
13. DVD Menu (not shown)

NOTE: Fake/fanmade. This, along with the other November 28, 2006 titles would be some of the very last titles to come out in November 2006 as the week after that would be the 5th day of December that year, which would be December 5, 2006

NOTE #2: And with that out of the way, it makes sense having the theatrical trailer to Underdog as one of the opening previews on here, because they're both superhero stuff respectively, so it all makes sense here, and this would be another early appearance of that trailer (again, the official debut for that trailer will be set to be around February or March 2007)

NOTE #3: And with that being said, it's okay having the trailers to Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men's Chest, The Heart of the Game, [scrubs]: The Complete 5th Season and Alias: The Complete 5th and Final Season as some of the other opening previews on here, because this is definitely a show that isn't solely for kids, none of the Spiderman TV shows or movies out there were even solely for kids not even the slightest, although there is a show called Spidey And His Amazing Friends, which is a kids show from Disney Junior and it premiered back in August 2021 and is still running to this day, but overall, it's fine having these trailers on here though

NOTE #4: It would not only make sense for DVD releases to the 1994 Spiderman TV Show to have the theatrical trailer to Underdog, but also the trailer to Cinderella III: A Twist in Time from Summer 2005 til December 2007 without a doubt, because I know for a fact that Jennifer Hale and Christopher Daniel Barnes (who play Cinderella and Prince Charming in the Cinderella sequels and many other media for that movie franchise since the 2000s) are also in the 1994 Spiderman TV Show as Spiderman/Peter Parker and Black Cat/Felicia Hardy

And ‪@firstzachattackdvdblu-rayo3142‬, if you're watching this, this video is for you. What would the first Spiderman (1967) TV show DVD/home media release be? If you know, then let me know right here, but if you don't know, then here's my hint: Since this show ran from 1967-1970, think about somewhere around the late 90s for sure