Nested for loop in python

Опубликовано: 19 Сентябрь 2024
на канале: CodeTube

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certainly! a nested for loop in python is a loop inside another loop. this structure allows you to iterate over multiple sequences or perform operations that require more than one level of iteration.

basic concept

in a nested for loop, the outer loop runs its full course for each iteration of the inner loop. this means if the outer loop runs `n` times and the inner loop runs `m` times, the total number of iterations will be `n * m`.


here’s the basic syntax of a nested for loop:

example: generating a multiplication table

let's create a simple example of a nested for loop by generating a multiplication table.

explanation of the example

1. **outer loop (`for i in range(1, rows + 1)`):** this loop iterates over the numbers 1 to 5, representing the rows of the multiplication table.
2. **inner loop (`for j in range(1, columns + 1)`):** for each iteration of the outer loop (for each row), this loop iterates over the numbers 1 to 5, representing the columns.
3. **print statement (`print(f"{i * j:4}", end=' ')`):** this prints the product of the current row and column indices, formatted to occupy 4 spaces. the `end=' '` argument ensures that the numbers are printed on the same line with a space in between.
4. **`print()` statement:** after finishing the inner loop for one row, this print statement moves the cursor to the next line for the next row of the table.


when you run the above code, you will get the following output:

use cases for nested loops

nested loops can be used in various scenarios, such as:

- generating combinations of items.
- performing operations on multi-dimensional data structures (like matrices).
- creating complex patterns (like star patterns in a grid).
- processing multi-dimensional arrays or lists.


nested for loops are a powerful tool in python for handling multi-dimensional data and performing repetitive tasks across multiple sequences. be mindful of performance, as the comple ...

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