To Fix Camera and Webcam Problems in Windows 10 or Windows 8 or Windows 7, please try one of these two methods:
Method 1:
Open ‘Device Manager’ – Expand ‘Imaging devices’ – Right click on ‘Integrated webcam’ and select ‘Uninstall’ – Now click on the second tab upper ‘Action’ – Click on ‘Scan for hardware changes’. If the Uninstalled drive didn’t reinstalled automatically, please restart your system.
Method 2:
This is of three steps:
First: Click on start menu, search for ‘Services’- open it and locate for ‘Windows Update’- open it and change the Startup type to ‘Disabled’- click ‘Stop’ – ‘Apply’ – ‘OK’.
Second: Open c:// drive – ‘Windows’ –‘SoftwareDistribution’- delete the two folders named ‘Datastore’ and ‘Download’.
Third: Click on start menu, search for ‘Services’- open it and locate for ‘Windows Update’- open it and change the Startup type to ‘Automatic’- click ‘Apply’ – ‘Start’ – ‘OK’.
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