Friday Night Funkin' VS Team Fortress 2 / TF2 in Friday Night Fortress Vs Mann Co Mod (FULL WEEK/DEMO) for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD. This time we battle The Scout, Demoman, and the Spy from Team Fortress 2, and this time they all have their own song cover. As of now, the TF2 Mod is still on its demo phase, but in the future, I think it'll have to Meet the Heavy, Pyro, and Engineer. I believe each will have their own special abilities for example Scout has the bonk juice so he can make your notes faster during his rap battle with BF and The Spy can backstab you if you press on the broken death notes and make your notes invisible, and then there's the Demoman... I honestly don't know what he does yet, maybe his mechanics are not implemented yet. Will Boyfriend and Girlfriend be able to defeat these guys or will scout end up kidnapping GF?
We'll be playing the mod on very hard mode for all Team Fortress 2 Mann Co songs
Game Note: The Team Fortress Mercenaries are composed of some of the deadliest, most bat crazy, and enthusiastic individuals in the world. And now, this team of elites comes face to face with... a blue-haired midget who's so down bad his balls are literally blue?... I mean... sure I guess... It's been 5 forsaken hours into this dang 2fort match so a bit of entertainment is welcome here.
All Songs from Friday Night Funkin' VS TF2 Mann Co Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 What if you press Spy death note? (Backstab)
00:18 TF2 - Mann Co Intro
01:00 Cutscenes Dialogue 1
01:52 Atomicpunch Song (Scout vs BF & GF)
02:24 Scout Bonk Juice Ability
03:21 Cutscenes Dialogue 2
03:54 Ironbomber Song (Demoman vs Boyfriend)
06:13 Cutscenes Dialogue 3
07:08 Infiltrator Song (Spy vs Boyfriend)
07:46 Spy Cloaking Ability
08:37 Scout - Game Over Death Quotes
08:54 Demoman - Game Over Death Quotes
09:09 Spy - Game Over Death Quotes
09:22 Full Game Over Theme
10:08 Outro
I'm loving this team fortress 2 mod so far, hey is Mario kart and WarioWare server still popular?! I remember playing them for 24 hours straight back in the day.
Mod Creators for VS TF2 / Mann Co Demo below
Friday Night Funkin' VS TF2 Mann Co FULL WEEK (Cutscenes!) Mod Download link:
ConarIsNotHere - Leader:
R_RedJK7 - Artist:
Cinnamatsu - Artist:
Supreme Ahoge - Artist:
Naysi Goreng - Artist:
Knuckles The Chuckles - Artist:
Schnugget3 / Frithuritaks - Aritst:
Archie - Artist:
Scarlood - Artist:
heatsumi - Coding/Programming/Scripting & Publisher:
TOB_DEV - Coding/Programming/Scripting:
ThxSeeYaL8er - Coding/Programming/Scripting:
edgardeivis - Coding/Programming/Scripting:
Totally-Not-Genji - Composer:
SnoconeEX - Composer:
Myrian - Composer:
Puppo - Charter:
I am Cakey - Trailer Maker:
Pyralium - Trailer Maker:
IStealth-Fan - Playtester:
MagicFroge - Playtester:
Epic_Cole - Playtester:
Victor Luigi - Playtester:
Team Fortress 2 by Valve:
KadeDeveloper - for Kade Engine:
Get the game and support the creators of the game:
Friday Night Funkin': The Full Game:
Friday Night Funkin' - WEEK 7 All Tankman Death Quotes:
Friday Night Funkin' - VS Flippy Flipped Out Week:
Friday Night Funkin' VS Scout TF2 - Bonkless Song
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Friday Night Funkin' gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k (2021)