In this guide I’ll explain how to change a single page view from portrait to landscape orientation, in Google Docs..
🕔 Key Moments
00:00 | Intro
00:12 | Change to landscape view for a single page on Google Docs
02:47 | Wrap up
🔎 Useful links
See more info on how to change a single pages orientation to landscape view in Google Docs in this article from the Google Support Center ‘Mix page orientations in a single Google Doc’
✅ Links referenced in this video
Once logged into Google, Google Docs can be found at
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Music from the wonderful BenSound:
So I’m logged into Google and I’m in a Google Doc I’ve created using some classic text.
I’m going to zoom out a little to give you a better view of the document by clicking on the Zoom dropdown in the toolbar and I’ll choose 50%
The document has three pages all of which are currently in a portrait view format.
For reasons known only to myself I want to change only the second page to a landscape view
Let’s quickly look at how to do this.
I’ll start by navigating to the second page
To highlight that I want to change only this page in the document to landscape view, I need to select the text on this page.
Whatever text you select will be moved to a landscape view page, all other text will remain in the existing portrait page view so make sure you choose the text carefully.
I can select the text by holding down my left mouse button and slowly dragging the mouse pointer over the text on the page I want to change to landscape view.
Once I’m happy that all the correct text has been selected I can release the mouse button.
To change this page to a landscape view I now need to navigate to the top menu bar and I’m going to select the File option
A number of links are suggested but the one I am interested in is ‘Page Setup’ near the bottom of the list.
I’ll move my mouse to that and click once to select it.
A new window then opens that allows you to make some further changes to the page
We’re interested in only two sections of this window however.
The first I’ll look at is Orientation. This is were we tell Google Docs which page view to use on this specific page
At the moment Portrait is selected
You’ll have guessed that to change the view to Landscape we need to click into the Landscape option
One very important thing to check before we confirm that change is the ‘Apply to’ dropdown above.
If I click on that you can see that the page view changes we are making will only be applied to Selected content - that's why we highlighted the text at the start of this guide.
If I choose to change this to ‘Whole document’, then every page in the Google Doc would be changed to a Landscape view.
When you’re happy that landscape view is chosen just for the selected content, click on the large blue OK button to confirm this.
You’ll now see that the page on which our selected text was shown has been changed to a landscape view.
However that change has altered the formatting of the document and push some of the text onto a new page.
We can correct that by deleting the blank pages and copy and pasting the text that has been pushed onto a separate page. You may need to make similar amends depending on the content of you specific Google Doc.
And after doing that, you’ll see that our second page is now shown in landscape mode whilst the other pages in the document remain in portrait view.