UPSC Pre 2020 Answe Key Paper 1 Set A, B, C & D with solved questions paper of IAS Pre 2020. Watch the live session where we will solve the UPSC CSE prelims 2020 questions paper which held on 4th Oct 2020 from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. In this session we will discuss all questions asked in IAS pre 2020 paper 1(gs) for all sets A, B, C & D. In this session we will also do exam analysis of UPSC pre 2020 paper 1- subjectwise analysis and predict the expected cut off.
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UPSC pre 2020 answer key
UPSC CSE pre 2020 answer key
UPSC answer key
Answer key UPSC 2020
Answer key UPSC pre 2020
IAS 2020 answer key
IAS pre 2020 answer key
UPSC Pre 2020 set A answer key
UPSC Pre 2020 set B answer key
UPSC Pre 2020 set C answer key
UPSC Pre 2020 set D answer key
UPSC answer sheet
Prelims test series 2020
UPSC cse prelims answer key
UPSC CSE pre paper 1 answer key
UPSC gs paper 1 answer key
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1. With referenceto the cultural history of India, consider the following pairs:Parivrajaka, Shramana, Upasaka
2. With reference ta_Indian- elephants, consider the following statements: The leader of an elephant group is a female
3. Which of the following Protected areas located in Cauvery basin
4. India’s biodiversity Ceylon frogmouth, Coppersmith barbet,Gray-chinned_minivet and White-throated redstart are
5. Steel slag can be the material for which of the- Construction of base road, Improvementofagricultural soil, Production of cement
6. places to find the musk deer in its natural habitat- Askot Wildlife Sanctuary, Gangotri National Par,
7. construction_the use of which of the following is preferred for ensuring environmental sustainability or to reduce carbon footprint
8. Consider the following statements- Coal ash contains arsenic, lead and mercury,Coal-fired power plants release sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen into the environmen
9. What is the use of biochar in farming ?
10. In India, which of the following can be considered’ as. public ifvestment in agriculture
11. Whatis the importance of the term Interest Coverage Ratio of a firm in India
12. Which of the following factors/policies affecting the price of rice in India inthe— recent past
13. The value of Indo-Sri Lanka trade has consistently increased in last decade, “Textile and textile articles” constitute an important item of trade between India and Bangladesh.
14. In which one of the following groupsare all the four countries membersof G20 ?
15. Under the Kisan Credit Card scheme short-term credit support is given to farmers for which of the following purposes ?
16. The weightage of food in Consumer Price Index (CPDis higher than that in Wholesale Price Index (WPI),
17. Rivers- mekong, thames, volga, zambezi
18. In the case of all cereals, pulses and oil-seeds, the procurement at Minimum Support Price (MSP) is unlimited in any State/UT of India.
In the case of cerealspulses, the MSPis fixed in any State/UT at a level to which the market price will never rise.
19. With reference to the Indian economy, consider the following statements:
Commercial Paper’ is a_ short-term unsecured promissory note, Certificate of Deposit’ is a long-term instrument issued by the Reserve Bank of India to a corporation.
20. If a pofticular plant apecies is placed under Schedule VI of The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, what is the implication
21. With reference to the period of Gupta dynasty in ancient India, the towns Ghantasala, Kadura and Chaul were well known as
22. What is/are the advantage/advantages of zero tillage in agriculture ?
23. According to India’s National Policy on Biofuels, which of the following can be used as raw materials for the production of biofuels ?
24. describes the social cost of carbon, monetary value
25. pulse production in India, consider the following statements:
Black gram can be cultivated as both kharif andrabi crop.
Green-gram alone accounts for nearly half of pulse production
28. solar water pump, surface pumps, centrifugal pumps
29. current trends in the cultivation of sugarcane in India
30. practice of eco-friendly agriculture in india
31. Foreign Direct Investment in India, non-debt creating capital flow, investment through capital instruments
32. the international trade of India at present
33. term West Texas Intermediate'
34. Indian economy, non-financial debt includes
35. nuclear reactors kept under "IAEA Safeguards
36. Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMS)
37. RBI decides to adopt an expansionist monetary policy
38. indian economy afterthe 1991 economic liberalization
40. India, under cyber insurance for individuals
41. advantages of fertigation in agriculture
42. officially designated major minerals
43. Ocean Mean Temperature(OMT)
44. fertilizers inIndia,
45. India's Desert National Park
46. Siachen Glacier is situatedto the