If you’re thinking about hosting but aren’t sure how to attract guests or create a great guest experience, you’re not alone. Becoming a Host on Airbnb is a fun, rewarding way to connect with new people and earn extra money, and it’s normal to have many questions at the start. Here’s what you need to do to begin hosting.
The Hosts featured in this article and video are not Airbnb employees nor do they work under the direction of Airbnb. As Host Creators, they partnered with Airbnb to share their thoughts and create this video. Any opinions, anecdotal information, or testimonial statements made are truthful, their own, and are not official statements of Airbnb.
Read more about becoming a Host here: https://www.airbnb.com/resources/host...
Airbnb is a community based on connection and belonging—a community that was born in 2008 when two hosts welcomed three guests to their San Francisco home, and has since grown to 4 million hosts who have welcomed over 800 million guest arrivals to about 100,000 cities in almost every country and region across the globe. Hosts on Airbnb are everyday people who share their worlds to provide guests with the feeling of connection and being at home. At Airbnb, we believe that hosts, guests and the communities where we operate are all stakeholders we have a responsibility to serve, and that by serving them alongside our employees and investors, we will build an enduringly successful company.
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00:00 Introduction
00:49 Assess your space
01:23 Get your space ready
01:55 List your space
02:36 Decide how you'll host
03:36 Support from Airbnb