Learn how to build an awesome showcase for your code snippets (or text) using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Then add a Copy to clipboard button, using the Clipboard API. Finally knit it all together by adding syntax highlighting using Highlight.js
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📚 Resources:
📘 Code: https://github.com/raulterhesdev/copy...
📎 Highlight.js: https://highlightjs.org/
📎 Dracula Highlight.js theme: https://draculatheme.com/highlightjs
📎 Other custom CSS stylesheets for Highlight.js: https://github.com/highlightjs/highli...
📜 Blog post: https://raulterhes.com/posts/copy-cod...
🚀 Follow me:
✔️ Blog: https://raulterhes.com
✔️ Twitter: / raulbterhes
✔️ Facebook: / raulterhesdev
✔️ GitHub: https://github.com/raulterhesdev
⏱ Timestamps:
00:00 - Introduction
01:42 - HTML
05:25 - CSS
15:50 - JavaScript
18:00 - JavaScript - document.execCommand()
22:30 - JavaScript - Clipboard API
27:12 - Highlight.js
33:30 - Wrap-up