Import Excel Data In MS Access in Hindi | How to import an Excel Spreadsheet data into an Access

Опубликовано: 15 Ноябрь 2024

Import Excel Data In MS Access in Hindi | How to import an Excel Spreadsheet data into an Access #excel #msaccess ‪@MSCOMPUTERCLASSES‬

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To import an Excel file into MS Access, follow these steps:

1. Open MS Access and create a new database or open an existing database.
2. Click on the "External Data" tab in the ribbon at the top of the screen.
3. In the "Import & Link" section, click on the "Excel" button.
4. In the "Get External Data - Excel Spreadsheet" dialog box, navigate to the location of the Excel file you want to import.
5. Select the Excel file and click on the "Import" button.
6. In the "Import Spreadsheet Wizard," select the worksheet or named range that you want to import, and choose the import options that you want.
7. Follow the prompts to specify the destination for the imported data, and any additional options such as appending data to an existing table or creating a new table.
8. Click on the "Finish" button to complete the import process.
9. You should now see the imported data in MS Access, either in a new table or appended to an existing table.
That's it! You have successfully imported an Excel file into MS Access.
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