"Three Heroes and the Princess of Egypt" with english subtitles. Cartoons for family.
"Три богатыря и принцесса Египта" с английскими субтитрами смотрите на нашем канале.
On New Year’s Eve, when the Prince was getting ready to deliver his annual end-of-the-year speech, on their way to Alyosha the Heroes meat a strange fellow by the name of Durilo. He turns out to be the Thirteenth Month, whom nobody really wants, but who’s determined to realize his lifelong dream of becoming the most important month of the year. All he needs to do is pretend to be Father Frost, show a few parlour tricks to the gullible Alyosha, befriend the Heroes, and travel to Egypt—the land of pharaohs and ancient pyramids. From then it’s a piece of cake: pyramids, a magic spell, and the Ancient Fire. But it’s not so easy to fulfil your nefarious desires when you have to reckon with not just the Three Heroes, but also their wives, the Prince, Julius the Horse, a fire-breathing dragon, the real Father Frost, and even Queen Nefertiti herself.
Синдбад. Пираты семи штормов http://bit.ly/sindbad_piraty
Снежная королева 3. Огонь и лед http://bit.ly/the_snow_queen_3
Три богатыря. Все серии http://bit.ly/tri_bogatiry_vse_serii
Иван Царевич и Серый Волк. Все серии http://bit.ly/ivan_tsarevich_vse_serii
Все мультфильмы для детей - http://bit.ly/vse_multfilmy
Любимые песенки для детей - http://bit.ly/muzpausa
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