Two highway patrolmen think they are working on the side repossessing cars. But eventually, they realize that they have been tricked and are actually stealing the cars.
Original title: Double Nickels (1977)
Director: Jack Vacek
Writers: Jack Vacek, Trice Schubert
Stars: Jack Vacek, Trice Schubert, Edward Abrahms
Genres: Action, Comedy, Crime
00:00 Full Movie
0:41: 🚓 Two police officers have a conversation about their morning routines and encounter a dune buggy stuck on a sand dune.
04:34 Race to the donut shop
13:21 🚗 Ed and Tami discuss helping a woman and Ed's job as a repo man.
19:38 🚗 A group of individuals discuss their plan to engage in illegal activities involving stealing cars.
32:10 🚗 A police officer accidentally hits a man with his car and offers to take him out for dinner to make up for it.
37:10 🚗 A car chase ensues after the protagonist's car is stolen.
51:40 😂 George and Ed discuss the stolen cars and the boat they need to pick up, but Ed doesn't know how to swim.
58:47 🚗 Lewis Sloan returns Mr. Daniels' stolen car after realizing it was a misunderstanding.
1:06:39 😱 George informs the group that they have a problem with a guy named Lewis Sloan who has an automatic theft ring.
1:15:39 🚨 Smokey and Jordan are being chased by someone and seek help from George and Ed.