NO ZERO DAYS 10/24/23
We pack Clark's lunch then he reveals all the LEGO sets he wants to buy (RIP my wallet). He goes off to school and I go out to the post office which turns out to be a fail, but things work out with a pumpkin score and Roxy walk. I do a LEGO live stream, make steak salads for dinner, and we wrap the night with some Velcro catch and some arcade fun.
No Zero Days is my video journal series where I document my life experience working toward goals both big and small with the ultimate goal of never having a zero day which means no progress. I hope to hold myself accountable and inspire others to strive toward their goals along with me.
Check our other channels:
LEGO: / brickitect
Audio journal podcast: / missingpiecespod
Clark's channel: / clarkman1215
Gaming: / gregsarcade
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Greg's World
PO Box 645
Jersey Shore, PA 17740