Remote desktop Rasberry Pi Windows 10. Did you know that you can connect to your raspberry pi from anywhere... including on your Android or iPhone?! If you have Rasbian Buster, Stretch, or Jessie, then this functionality is already built into your device, it just needs activated. In this video I show you how to easily activate VNC on your Raspberry Pi so that you can connect to your device through Windows 10, Linux, Android, iPhone or any device you can think of.
There are two ways of connecting to your Raspberry Pi device. The first is through a direct IP connection. The second is through a cloud connection. The cloud connection will allow you to connect to your Raspberry Pi from anywhere, including on mobile. While the direct connection does not require you to setup a FREE Real VNC account, it will only work while you are on your local network.
Real VNC Viewer:
Real VNC Iphone:
Real VNC Android: