Pageants become expensive in time, energy, and especially money if you're not careful . The face-value costs of entering a competition can easily put you thousands of dollars in debt. (The resale value of a gown, for instance, is similar to a soon as it's not longer new, the price drops significantly.)
But if you're resourceful and know how to prioritize how you spend, you will set yourself up for success and give yourself a strong shot at the crown. Dedicate your dollars to areas that will help you score higher and save on areas that are commoditized (jewelry, shoes) or can be replicated through effort and time (self-exercise, home-made gifts.)
You also want to approach your spending as investments in yourself, particularly in areas that improve your skills, confidence, and savings, long-term (makeup lessons, for example.) The key to success through pageants is in taking control of your own destiny and unlocking your maximum growth Super Saiyan
The link to my a sample budgeting template is here: (Link is case-sensitive)
Quick navigation:
06:02 2 areas not to be skimped
07:06 Saving money on top headshots
09:03 Where contestants overspend
10:06 The "resourceful" bucket of expenses that you can hack, borrow, or penny-pinch
11:35 Cheap gifts
12:16 OpEx v. CapEx (buying coffees versus an expresso machine)
13:45 Makeup services v. makeup lessons
15:38 4 "free" things you must budget attention for
17:40 Pageant budgeting template