What happens when you give a thousand monkeys a typewriter? Nothing good. You'd expect they'd eventually write some Shakespeare, but they'll probably end up pressing the letter S a bunch of times, foolishly believing it dispenses bananas. Now, what if you handed a hundred twitch viewers your keyboard, enabling them to play Minecraft using chat messages? Nothing good either. You'd expect them to beat the ender-dragon in record time, since they're combining the processing power of 100 brains together... but they'll probably end up pressing the S key repeatedly in an attempt to backpedal into the nearest pool of lava... or forcibly consume a raw pufferfish... all that for a few laughs.
💜 Follow me on twitch! 💜 / yahiamice
I stream various games every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, usually, so come hang around :)
🌟 Discord: https://discord.me/yahiamice
💙 Twitter: / yahiamice
🎥 Edited by: / cerret_
Thumbnail by @peteypalxd
Special thanks to @Alexflipnote for developing the program which makes this possible!
#Yahiamice #Minecraft #Twitch #TwitchPlaysPokemon #Pleasefollowmeontwitchimbeggingyall