Powershell Get-ChildItem Beginners Video Tutorial.
This tutorial guides you through using the Get ChildItem cmdlet from beginning to end. It includes:
1. How to run this within Powershell ISE
2. How to run this locally on your own pc or search shared network locations
3. Filtering with Get ChildItem
4. Sorting your result set
5. Only returning files by a date range or file extension
6. Explanation of Get-Member
The Get-Member section of this Powershell Lesson is particularly helpful as it shows anything that can be returned which we can search on.
For example; Get-Member shows a list of Properties such as Name, FullName etc that we can return within a SELECT statement to return only the data that we would like to use.
I have also included a 'Points To Remember' section with the highlighted points from Tutorial.
I'd hope that after this you would challenge yourself within the workplace to see how you can query folder structures and search using Get-ChildItem rather than the generic way of using Windows Explorer. By doing this you can speed up a number of tasks/processes at work and start on your automation journey.
As ever, let me know within the comments below if you have any questions that you would like answered