Here's the opening and closing to the 1984 Canadian VHS of "The Empire Strikes Back."
1. 1984 CBS/FOX Video Logo
2. 1953 20th Century Fox Logo/"A Lucasfilm Limited Production"
3. "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."
1. Last Few Seconds of the film
2. Star Wars 1978 Re-release Trailer [albeit abridged]
3. Interpol Warning Scroll
® & ©1980 Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL)
©1984 CBS/FOX Company.
Specifications of Tape:
-Distributor: CBS/FOX Video
-Possibly a later tape master; original copies started with the 1983 CBS/FOX logo.
-Print/press date: 11/84
-Rated PG.
Disclaimer: I own nothing in any way, shape, or form. The material shown in this video belongs to and are registered trademarks of their original and respective copyright owners. No copyright infringement is intended.