The main goal of such livestreams is to show how I research and build things while facing and solving problems/errors.
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How Android ViewModel works Internally and survive the configuration change
What is Doze mode in Android? How to bypass it?
Internal Working and Implementation of Jetpack Compose Functions. How Compose works under the hood?
Difference between Serializable and Parcelable in Android
How Jetpack Compose works? Lifecycle of Composables & What is Recomposition?
DP vs SP vs PX vs DPI vs PPI in Android
minSdk vs targetSdk vs compileSdk in Android Gradle
Scope functions in Kotlin: let, run, with, apply, also.
Difference between const val and val in kotlin
Difference between lateinit and lazy in Kotlin
Difference between Flow, StateFlow, SharedFlow and LiveData in Kotlin/Android
What is Activity Lifecycle in Android? Callbacks, States and Events!
What is AndroidManifest? Where and How it is used?
Create your First Android TV Application with Compose
Create Adaptive designs with Pane Layouts in Jetpack Compose: ListDetailPane, SupportingPaneScaffold
Let's Build Android Widgets with Jetpack Glance
How to use Shared Element Transition In Jetpack Compose Android
Update your android app to Kotlin 2.0 in just 5 steps #coding #programming #kotlin #android #android
Improving app's startup performance with Baseline Profiles in Android
How to integrate Room DB in your Compos Multiplatform/KMP App (Android + iOS + Desktop)
Effortless Navigation with Type Safety in Jetpack Compose Navigation Library
Let's Build KMP TODO-APP with ROOM
Why did he switch from Android to Web Development? | Future of AI | Podcast with @codinginflow
Add Multilingual support (Multiple Languages) to your Android App