6.2.3 Glory of the Cataclysm Hero Solo

Опубликовано: 02 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: SerroDan

Guide on how to solo glory of the cataclysm hero to get your volcanic stone drake!

0:32 Ready for Raiding
0:52 Rat Pack
1:32 Prototype Prodigy
1:52 It's Frost Damage
2:28 I'm on a Diet
3:00 Vigorous VanCleef Vindicator

Grim Batol:
4:28 Umbrage for Umbriss
4:56 Don't Need to Break Eggs to Make an Omelet

Halls of Origination:
5:18 Faster Than the Speed of Light
5:35 I Hate That Song
6:26 Straw That Broke the Camel's Back
6:50 Sun of a....

Lost City of the Tol'vir:
7:03 Acrocalypse Now
7:32 Kill It With Fire!
8:34 Headed South

The Stonecore:
9:05 Rotten to the Core

Shadowfang Keep:
9:38 Pardon Denied
9:54 To the Ground!
10:13 Bullet Time

Blackrock Caverns:
10:49 Crushing Bones and Cracking Skulls
12:10 Arrested Development
12:43 Too Hot to Handle
13:03 Ascendant Descending

The Vortex Pinnacle:
13:25 Extra Credit Bonus Stage
13:12 No Static at All

Throne of the Tides:
13:34 Old Faithful
15:09 Prince of Tides