My speed test and comparison of the BlackBerry Mobile KEY2 and KEY2 LE. For many people, there are concerns about how much of a performance downgrade the KEY2 LE is from the KEY2. At face value, there are a few concerns because the BlackBerry KEY2 is running the more powerful Snapdragon 660, while the BlackBerry KEY2 LE is running the more power efficient Snapdragon 636. Other considerations are that the KEY2 has 6GB of RAM, versus the 4GB of RAM in the KEY2 LE. However, numbers aren't everything. Since I own both of these devices, I wanted to do a video to show how each of them run comparable apps/routines, under the same conditions, to see how much of a "speed" difference there really is between the two devices.
#TechOdyssey #BlackBerry #KEY2 #KEY2LE #SpeedTest #Review #AtomicRed
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