#ibmi #as400 #rpgle
In CL programming, How to read last record of non keyed physical file member explain how to read last record of a PF in CL program and how to avoid CPF0864 using RRN way to position the pointer to the file.
You can also watch other AS400 Training related playlist as follows:
1-AS400 Training: • what are the array operations in RPG ...
2-ILE RPG Tutorial in AS400: • IBM i,AS400 Tutorial,iSeries-ILE conc...
3-DSPF programming tutorial in AS400: • IBM i, AS400 Tutorial, iSeries, Syste...
4-RPGLE Triggers in AS400: • IBM i, AS400 Tutorial, iSeries, Syste...
5-AS400 Interview Questions: • IBM i, AS400 Tutorial, iSeries, Syste...
6-API programming in AS400: • Using QSQCHKS to validate SQL stateme...
7-AS400 basic Introduction Tutorial: • IBM i, AS400 Tutorial, iSeries, Syste...
8-CL programming Tutorial in AS400: • Selective Prompting and QCMDCHK in CL
9-Tips and Trick in DB2 SQL Tutorial in AS400: • IBM i, AS400 Tutorial, iSeries, Syste...
10-Tips and Tricks in AS400: • IBM i, AS400 Tutorial, iSeries, Syste...
11-Production support in AS400: • Issue handling MSGW -CPYF failed - Em...
12-Errors in AS400: • Data Decimal error- Insert bad data i...
13-IBM i AS400 Tutorial: • IBM i AS/400 Tutorial_ENGLISH
14-SQLRPGLE Tutorial in AS400: • IBM i, AS400 Tutorial, iSeries, Syste...
15-Subfile programming in AS400: • IBM i, AS400 Tutorial, iSeries, Syste...
Database modernization Tutorial in AS400: • IBM i, AS400 Tutorial, iSeries, Syste...
16-SQL DB2 Tutorial in AS400: • DB2 ORDER BY -Sort Result by ordinal ...
17-DB2 AS400 DDS Tutorial in AS400: • CRTPF in AS400 for Beginners | Create...
18-RPG programming Tutorial in AS400: • IBM i, AS400 Tutorial, iSeries, Syste...
My Easy Classes is the YouTube channel which aims to provide the coding videos on RPG, CL, SQLRPGLE and SQL DB2.