#JadefallsSplendor #PrototypeAmber #Weapon #Comparison #Baizhu #BIS #DamageTest #BuildGuide
This is a quick comparison video between an R5 Prototype Amber versus an R1 Jadefall's Spendor catalyst weapon which is Baizhu's exclusive weapon. If you're wondering which one is the BIS or better for him, this video will try to help you with that. The healing values you see come from the same talent stats and artifacts.
My artifacts in this video:
2-Piece Maiden Beloved
2-Piece Ocean-Hued Clam
Bonus Healing % At Circlet
Total HP at 50K
Energy Recharge at 130%
TAGS: R1, Jadefall's Spendor, Versus, R5, Prototype Amber, Comparison, Healing Test, Build Test, Build Guide, Which Is Better, Baizhu, BIS, Weapon, Catalyst, Noxxis Gaming, Noxxis Genshin, Genshin Impact