How To Fix ene.sys Driver Cannot Load on This Device in Windows 11/10 [Solution]
The driver ene.sys serves as a driver file within a Windows system and facilitates communication between Windows and hardware devices. Specifically, it's related to MSI Mystic Light, a system responsible for controlling PC lights, specifically for gaming systems developed by MSI.
Errors like A driver cannot load on this device ene.sys Windows 11 are mostly reported by users who have upgraded their PCs to Windows 11. This problem usually stems from faulty drivers or corrupted files due to a wrong operating system upgrade.
Turn off the memory Integrity setting:
1. On your keyboard, press the Windows key and type core isolation, then select Core Isolation from the list.
2. Toggle off the option for Memory integrity.
3. Restart your computer for the change to take effect.
Rename the ene.sys file:
1. On your keyboard, press the Windows key and the E key at the same time to open File Explorer.
2. Then go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers, and find the ene.sys file there.
3. Rename the ene.sys file to something like ene1.sys.
4. When asked for permission, click Continue.
5. When this is done, restart your computer into normal mode as instructed in the post shared in step 1, then see if the ene.sys driver cannot load error is fixed.
Issues Addressed In This Tutorial:
ene.sys driver error
ene.sys driver cannot load
driver ene.sys
ene.sys cannot load
driver ene sys
ene.sys driver
what is system error 5 in windows 11
fix ene.sys driver cannot load on this device in windows 11
The ene.sys a driver cannot load on this device problem may prevent you from accessing drivers, and finding personalized troubleshooting methods may be challenging due to its complexity. Moreover, this issue may lead to data loss within the drive due to partition or file corruption.
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