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Hello and Welcome Back to the JTECH Game Studios YouTube Channel! In this Game Dev Log, I'll be showing off the progress I have made this month on one of my many Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) game development projects, FlyBot War: Explosive. The game is coming along well. If this video reaches 5 likes, I'll do some Unreal; Engine 4 Video Game Development Tutorials some time this summer!
#JTECHGAMESTUDIOS #UnrealEngine #GameDev
Outro Song: Just a regular crab rave, nothing to see here folks - Fluxxy
unreal engine 4,game development,unreal engine (video game engine family),game,unreal engine,games,game development log,video game,unreal engine explosions,game development blog,indie game dev,video game (industry),game engine,video game development (industry),live game development,indie game development,vr game development,unreal 4 game,video game development,3d game development