Selepas duet lagu 'Jaga-Jaga' bersama Azarra Band, Beby Acha tampil dengan single pertama solo berupa pop dangdut beliau iaitu 'Anje Baby'! Sebuah karya gabungan dari Apak Harry Khalifah dan Ejai Aziz dari Azarra Band.
Anje Baby
Beby Acha
Lagu : Harry Khalifah
Lirik: Ejai Aziz
Arrangement : Harry Khalifah
Publisher: MVM Production Sdn Bhd
Producer: Brattbob
Director: Steve Long
DOP: Steve Long
Editor: Shi Wen
Make Up : Yikki Yip
Talent : Falique Floor88
Talent : Farez
Official IG:
Wardrobe Sponsor :
GEB Fashion ( )
Lust Secret by Moya ( )
Anje Baby (Verse) - Beby Acha
Maxis CRT : Dail *131*668149# and press CALL
Digi Caller Tunes : Dail *233*2963199# and press CALL
Celcom CMT :Dail *323*736921# and press CALL
Umobile Ringback Tone: SMS 9964911 to 28383
Anje Baby (Chorus) - Beby Acha
Maxis CRT : Dail *131*668150# and press CALL
Digi Caller Tunes : Dail *233*2963200# and press CALL
Celcom CMT :Dail *323*736922# and press CALL
Umobile Ringback Tone: SMS 9964912 to 28383
MVM Production Sdn Bhd
MVM Production
For show booking and promotion : +010-2315388 / +010-9363588
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