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!! Numpy Random Module !!
The Random Module contain the functions which are used for generating random numbers.
1. Random Function - It returns random float number(s) between 0 and 1.
2. Randint Function
It generates random integer number(s) between given range.
By default, the range starts from 0.
The numbers can repeat.
3. Rand Function - It returns random float number(s) between 0 and 1.
4. Randn Function - It returns random float numbers (postive and negative both) in the form of array.
5. Uniform Function
It returns random float number(s) between the given range of values.
The random numbers can't repeat.
By default, the range starts from 0.
If nothing is passed in (), it will return a float number between 0 and 1.
6. Choice Function
It returns random integer number(s) from the given sequence.
The range starts from 0 by default.
If only 1 element is passed, then it will return a number between 0 and that element.
By default, replace = True , which means the numbers can repeat.
ndim - to check the dimension of the array
shape - to check the shape of the array
size - to check the size of the array
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