*Welcome to real time scenarios on Automation using Selenium WebDriver by Karthik Bethi*
Topic : How To Automate Radio Button || CheckBox using Selenium Web Driver
Link :https://www.toolsqa.com/automation-pr...
This video we will discuss about how to automate radio button in selenium web driver using java.Both radio button and check box automation is same.So If I teach you one you can implement other in your own.
1)First create a WebDriver using
webDriver wd = new ChromeDriver();
2)Then lets find out the elements using locators here in our example
WebElement el = wd.findElement("locators");
3)Once you found the element then you can select the radio button /check box using click action on it
WebElement.click() to select an element
4)To see wether the element is select or not we need to use isSelected() method
WebElement.isSelected() -it will return true if element is selected else it will return false.
So with thsese steps we can auomatte any radio button or check box using selenium web driver using java
#AutomateRadioButton , #CheckBoxAutomationSelenium ,#kbTutorials