Modern Process Automation Systems Offer More than Just Process Control w/ ARC's Dick Hill @ 2015 ARC Industry Forum Orlando, FL.
While reliable and consistent process control still is the ob-jective of today's process control systems, the capabilities go far beyond even the systems introduced just a decade ago. Modern businesses are not just satisfied with safe, secure, and reliable process control. True business improvements are required.
Owner-operators faced with “greenfield” projects need the increased configurability, flexibility, reliability, and security that today's system can now provide. In addition to these and other 'must haves', systems need to match the way modern industrial businesses work – openly and collabora-tively!
At "brownfield" sites, owner-operators face considerable challenges in converting their installed control systems to modern automation systems that provide much more than just a reliable platform for control. Suppliers of these sys-tems have made the conversion easier by incorporating technology and services such as smart configurable I/O; server virtualization; automated field device detection, con-figuration and commissioning; as well as conversion services for existing systems. Many of these technologies come to-gether to help make it easier to upgrade automation systems.
This session will include speakers with real-world experience in utilizing these capabilities for new sites as well as for up-grades to existing sites to help provide rapid return on their investments. The session will include an open panel discus-sion with audience participation. The representatives from operating companies in the audience will be able to ask questions and also share their own experiences for the ben-efit of attendees.