Rescue a cat with a wound on the neck / SANI vlog

Опубликовано: 09 Октябрь 2024
на канале: SANISHOW.

Our channel:    / sanishow  

This video is about the rescue of a cat with a deep wound in the neck, which lasted more than 5 months.
In the spring, a kitten with a deep wound in the neck was thrown to us. He was about 4 months old. By the way, in the video, for some reason, he seems a little older. The kitten was dirty, very thin, could not eat on its own and was slowly dying. And then we decided to take him with us, take him to the vet, try to save him and give him into good hands. At that time, we could not even think about what we would have to face ...
The neck wound was far from the only problem ...
The rescue of the cat dragged on for more than 5 months ...

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● Instagram:   / deefolt  
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● mail: [email protected]
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We are located in Belarus. Mogilev region, the city of Bobruisk.

animal rescue # kitten rescue # cat rescue

If you want to help us, just SHARE this video with your friends. Publish on your page in social networks and send it to everyone who loves animals and can also help us in some way. Together we must do everything possible to give this handsome man a ticket to a happy life.
We can do it!

I have never met kinder and more affectionate cats! Maybe he is not purebred, maybe not worth a lot of money, but he deserves happiness and love no less than others, and he also wants to be someone's favorite.

As soon as we give the cat to the family, I will release a video in which I will tell and show everything. If you are interested, just click "SUBSCRIBE" and on the BELL.

If you like watching videos about animal rescue, you can find many videos on this and many other topics on our channel. From the saddest to the happiest and the happiest.

Rescue a newborn kitten:
Part 1:    • Спасение новорожденного котенка. Полн...  
Part 2:    • Спасение новорожденного котенка. Полн...  

Puppy rescue:
Part 1:    • Спасение щенка. Собачка ищет дом / SA...  
Part 2:    • Спасение щенка. Собачка едет домой / ...  

Financial assistance to the project
Yandex Money: 410012231378432
QIWI: +375291850129

For cooperation ► [email protected]