Опубликовано: 15 Октябрь 2024
на канале: ProtoBuffers

OHello everyone I will be returning and hopefully this tool will be able to help a lot more people without the need for me being around all of the time! That's right no longer do you need to pay for a 60$ program or need to own an exploited console! You can now decrypt/encryption/resign your saves using my exploited ps4! Join the the discord and get the Modding role from the #roles page and make your way to #ps4-save-bot to start using this bot!
  / discord  
Text tutorial:
Go to the ⁠ps4-save-bot channel.
Assign your PSN ID to the bot with /my_account_id command.
Make a google drive and create a folder called PS4.
Copy your PS4 save to a flashdrive or download a save online .
Drag and drop the CUSA##### folder into your Google Drive PS4 folder.
I suggest creating a CUSA#####Decrypted folder for later. This is to hold saves used with the /decrypted command (upload savedata0 folder here [you can only upload 1 decrypted save at a time {use /resign if you just want to resign}])
Right click the folder you are uploading Encrypted/Decrypted and select the share option and set general access to "Anyone with the link"

Now you are ready to start using some of the commands!

Important commands:
/decrypt - decrypts PS4 saves
/encrypt - encrypts saves missing PS4 encryption
/resign - changes the account owner on the save file to a provided PSN UUID or account bound to the bot.

All Commands:
/advanced_mode_exportany_gameexport - attempts to decrypt save files to match the similar fashion of save wizard (not many games supported)
/advanced_mode_exportred_dead_redemption_2export - SaveWizard Decrypts RDR2 saves that are Encrypted
/advanced_mode_importany_gameimport - attempts to encrypt save files with SaveWizard encryption vs normal decryption (not many games supported)
/advanced_mode_importred_dead_redemption_2import - SaveWizard Encryptions RDR2 saves that are Decrypted
/change_icon - changes icon0.png for saves
/cheatsblack_ops_cold_war_set_wonder_weapon - allows you to mod ColdWar Classes
/cheatslittlebigplanet_3install_mods - adds bigfart mod to a level backup
/cheatsred_dead_redemption_2change_money - changes your money in story mode
/cheatsshantae_curseset_gems - edit your gems in shantaes curse
/decrypt - decrypts PS4 saves
/delete_cheat_chain - removes all cheat commands from bot
/encrypt - encrypts saves missing PS4 encryption
/link2gdrive - uploads a zip from discord to a google drive folder
/my_account_id - gets a PSN UUID
/ping - pong
/re_region - attempts to re-region a gamesave
/re_region_xenoverse - region swaps DBZ Xenoverse saves
/resign - changes the account owner on the save file to a provided PSN UUID or account bound to the bot.
/rich_presence_save_done_amnt - removes X amount of counts in the rich presence
/see_cheat_chain - see all cheats you are about to apply
Download my other saves here:
Social Media:

Discord -   / discord  
YouTube - @ProtoBuffers
Instagram - ProtoBuffers
Twitter - @ProtoBuffers
Support Me -
My Work -
CashApp - $Xcier
#modding #discord #ps4mods #ps4modding #ps4cheater