"What can PHP Foreign Function Interface do for you? by Bohuslav Šimek
Next PHP version (7.4) will bring a lot of new exciting features. One of them is PHP Foreign Function Interface extension built directly into the core. But what problems exactly this extension is trying to solve? Does this mean that we no more need to write PHP extension if we want to use an existing library?
In this talk, we will together discover way how to easily call almost any C library directly from PHP. Why we want to do this. How to overcome common pitfalls and most importantly when to use approach and when not.
What you'll learn from this talk:
How to call C code from PHP without the necessity of writing an extension in any compiled language.
How to quickly prototype simple PHP wrapper around C library.
How to overcome common pitfalls.
When to use this approach and when not.
About Bohuslav Šimek
Bohuslav Šimek work as a lead programmer in IntraWorlds, where he is primarily responsible for the underlying architecture. In his free time, he is trying to apply [Atwood's Law] (https://blog.codinghorror.com/the-pri...) to PHP. This fruitless effort can be summarized with the following words: ""Any application that can be written in PHP, will eventually be written in PHP.""
This talk was given at the Dutch PHP Conference in 2019, organised and hosted by Ibuildings. Visit https://phpconference.nl or https://www.ibuildings.nl for more information."